Iñaki Martin-Subero graduated from the University of Navarra (Spain) with a degree in Biochemistry. In 2001, he completed a PhD with honours as a joined effort between the University of Navarra and the Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel (Germany). He continued his postdoctoral training at the Christian-Albrechts University and in 2005 he became faculty member. Upon returning to Spain in 2009, he started to coordinate a research group on epigenomics at the University of Barcelona. In 2016, he was appointed leader of the Biomedical Epigenomics group at the IDIBAPS research institute in Barcelona, and in 2018 we was awarded with an ICREA Research Professorship. He has published over 170 peer-reviewed articles. Martin-Subero’s research is focused on the application of advanced sequencing and computational technologies to characterize epigenomic marks in normal and neoplastic lymphoid cells. His group has reported the first epigenomes during normal B cell differentiation as well as in a variety of B-cell neoplasms, including chronic lymphocytic leukemia, mantle cell lymphoma and multiple myeloma. His studies have revealed that the roles of DNA methylation in cancer can be multiple and are dependent on the genomic context, and that DNA methylation represents a powerful biomarker to estimate clinical behaviour. His current efforts are focused on understanding gene deregulation in lymphoid tumours through the integration of DNA methylation, histone modifications, chromatin accessibility and 3D chromatin structure, including studies at the single cell level. His ultimate goal is that the generated epigenomic knowledge can be translated into a benefit for patients, in terms of better diagnosis, estimation of prognosis and more appropriate treatments.