Xavier Matias-Guiu, group leader of the Gynecologic Cancer Group within Oncobell, presents the strategic lines, the current projects and the future goals of his research.

The Gynaecological Cancer group is a multidisciplinary team made up of gynaecologists, oncologists, pathologists and basic researchers. The group has three leaders: Xavier Matias-Guiu, who also leads the CIBER group (CB16 / 12/00231, in collaboration with IRBLLEIDA), Jordi Ponce and Mireia Martin-Satué. The group has just started working in collaboration with different areas of endometrial and ovarian cancer. The strategic lines of the group are:

  • Clinical and surgical gynaecological oncology
  • Purinergic signalling in normal endometrial cells, endometriosis and endometrial cancer
  • Selective treatment and immunotherapy in gynaecological cancer

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